1. Name four fundamental questions that myths address.
-Who am i?
-What is the nature of the universe in which I live?
-How do I relate to that universe?
-How much control do I have over my own life?
2. Name 4 themes in world mythology.
3. What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
-Most of the major cultures start with the beginning of the universe - a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separates.
4. What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
-The heroic myths and epics of a society teach it's members the appropriate attitude, behavior, and values of that culture.
5. Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
-In these myths we see ourselves, drawn larger and grander than we are, yet with our human weaknesses as well as our strengths.
6. What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
-The political, economic, social, and religious foundation of the matriarchal society was the agricultural year.
7. What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
-Sigmund Freud and his followers view myths as the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives.
8. Myths demonstrate that people possess...
-The analysis of myths proves that human beings, no matter how primitive their technology, are not mentally inferior. Their myths demonstrate that they possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Birth Order Research Essay
LaTia Turner
August 26, 2014
3rd Period
Birth Order Research Essay
I was not born as an only child, but I am living in my house without my siblings there, so I consider myself an only child. The Birth Order Research findings described the characteristics of an only child. I think that the research is accurate to its findings because, most of the research was true and I was able to relate it to my own life. The next few paragraphs will provide some examples of the birth order research and how it’s related to my life.
Firstly, according to the research a person who is an only child may procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism. I agree with this because I always procrastinate my homework every day. I procrastinate because I don’t want anyone to think I’m a teacher’s pet and perfect because I’m an only child. Another example of how I procrastinate is by not doing my chores until someone tells me to. Then, I don’t have to worry about anyone thinking I’m a perfect child. The research says that only children procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism and I agree.
Secondly, the research states that only children are critical of themselves and of others. I agree with this because in my English class in 9th grade we did a Socratic seminar and, we discussed a book that we were reading. A boy made a comment about the book and I disagreed with him, but I didn’t say it. I didn’t think that my opinion was worthy enough to argue with, which made me feel regret after because I felt like I should’ve said how I felt. Another example is when I went to the movies with my friends, and they wanted to see a movie that I had already saw and I didn’t want to see it again. I felt disappointed after because I felt that I should’ve stood up for myself and said how I felt. The research says only children are critical of themselves and others and I agree.
Finally, the research states that only children are scholarly and objective, and I agree with this statement. I’m very smart and scholarly because I love to ready and study, and I always achieve A’s and B’s on my report card. I’m in an A.P class and in honors English so, I do consider myself scholarly. One example of why I’m objective is when I was working on a history report and it explained that Christians stole they’re beliefs from another religion. I knew that this wasn’t true because I grew up being a Christian and learning about Christians my whole life. I think that the research is accurate because I am objective and scholarly.
In conclusion, the research says only children are objective and scholarly, they procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism, and that they’re critical to themselves and others. The research is accurate because I can relate it to my own life.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Birth Order Traits
What the Research Says Evidence Showing Accuracy or Inaccuracy
Gets along well with those older or younger.
I disagree with this because I only find it easier to get along with people that are my age.
May procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism.
I agree with this because I do tend to procrastinate a lot but I don't do it to relieve the burden of perfectionism.
Difficulty relating to peers, self centered, cold-blooded.
I agree and disagree with this because I do tend to be selfcentered and cold-blooded towards people, but I don't have difficulty relating to my peers if they'd just give me a chance.
Critical of self and others.
I agree with this because I do criticize others but I do it in my head, I think it but I don't show or say it. I don't criticize myself.
I highly disagree with this because I am definitely not serious. I am very much playful and I'm always smiling or joking around all the time.
Scholarly, objective
I agree and disagree with this because I do consider myself smart and scholarly, but I'm not objective.
Careers: Science, medicine, law, accounting, bookkeeping, executive secreteries, engineering, computer science.
I agree with this because I want to be a Forensic Scientist which is a science career.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Latin Roots #1
Roots and Derivatives
1) act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2) ali, alter: another, other
3)am: at/ to love
4) anim: life, spirit, soul
Word List
1. Agenda- a temporarily organized plan for matters to be attended to;
Mr. Ostini always has an agenda prepared before class.
2. Agile- able to move quickly and easily;
Ruth was as agile as a monkey.
3. Alienate- cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged;
He has alienated his entire family.
4. Altercation- a noisy argument or disagreement especially in public;
I had an altercation with the conductor.
5. Amiable- generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around;
She had an amiable conversation with her boyfriend.
6. Amorous- suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire
She rejected his amorous advances.
7. Animated- filled with life and spirit; active;
Walt Disney is known for his animated movies, like, Beauty and the Beast.
8. Equanimity- calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-tempered-ness
Olivia was full of equanimity.
9. Inalienable- that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else;
Freedom of religion, the most inalienable of all human rights.
10. Inanimate- possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive;
He was completely inanimate, and it was difficult to see if was breathing or not.
11. Magnanimous- showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded; free from pettiness;
LaTia is so magnanimous according to her friend Olive.
12. Reactionary- characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics; a person with such ideas;
People should actually go out and get facts before spouting off reactionary nonsense.
1) act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2) ali, alter: another, other
3)am: at/ to love
4) anim: life, spirit, soul
Word List
1. Agenda- a temporarily organized plan for matters to be attended to;
Mr. Ostini always has an agenda prepared before class.
2. Agile- able to move quickly and easily;
Ruth was as agile as a monkey.
3. Alienate- cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged;
He has alienated his entire family.
4. Altercation- a noisy argument or disagreement especially in public;
I had an altercation with the conductor.
5. Amiable- generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around;
She had an amiable conversation with her boyfriend.
6. Amorous- suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire
She rejected his amorous advances.
7. Animated- filled with life and spirit; active;
Walt Disney is known for his animated movies, like, Beauty and the Beast.
8. Equanimity- calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-tempered-ness
Olivia was full of equanimity.
9. Inalienable- that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else;
Freedom of religion, the most inalienable of all human rights.
10. Inanimate- possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive;
He was completely inanimate, and it was difficult to see if was breathing or not.
11. Magnanimous- showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded; free from pettiness;
LaTia is so magnanimous according to her friend Olive.
12. Reactionary- characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics; a person with such ideas;
People should actually go out and get facts before spouting off reactionary nonsense.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Reflections On Week 1
1. I don't think that there will be any factors or problems that will interfere with my participation in this class because I will do whatever it takes to ace this class. Even if I have to step out of my comfort zone in some occasions.
2. The best thing that I learned how to do was make corneal notes. At first, I thought that it was just a waste of time and boring, but then I got better and better at it and it helps me to study and remember important things.
3. I am most concerned about speaking in front of my class and interacting with people I don't know so, I'm actually hoping that we do that more so that I can get out of that fear. I think that it would apply greatly to my life because I'm planning on going to college and if I'm used to making public presentations and interacting with people, I'll go to college with more confidence.
Monday, August 18, 2014
My Six Word Memoir
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="https://vine.co/v/M3vwQbdgLAm/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I figured out the six words that I used by going on Google and looking up six word memoir. I searched for one example that I could easily connect to what happened in my life...last year :) so it was really easy figuring out my six words. The six words that I used demonstrates how I felt during the punishment that I was one for a year, and what I had to do during that punishment was even worse :(
I figured out the six words that I used by going on Google and looking up six word memoir. I searched for one example that I could easily connect to what happened in my life...last year :) so it was really easy figuring out my six words. The six words that I used demonstrates how I felt during the punishment that I was one for a year, and what I had to do during that punishment was even worse :(
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