Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

1. After watching the video, complete a write-up that includes the following:
  a. The category of the video was persuasive and informative.
  b. The name of the presenter is Jonathan Safran Foer
  c. Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
  d. October 28, 2014
  e.The content of the video was him explaining the purpose of his book. At least that's what it sounded like to me. He was explain what he believed the people in this world should do. He believes that people should be vegetarians, and to stop eating the animals. He thinks that its pointless to pay for something that causes you to be obese, and its very expensive sometimes.
  f. One moment that I found memorable in his book was when he said," industrial pig-breeding facility in North Carolina, videotape taken by undercover investigators showed some workers administering daily beatings, bludgeoning pregnant sows with a wrench, and ramming an iron pole a foot deep into a mother pigs' rectums and vaginas"(Foer 181). I chose this moment because I thought that it very brutal and it inspired me THINK about being a vegetarian.
  Another moment that I found memorable in the video is when he says that there are people who justify animal cruelty towards farms animals, but towards pets its different. I chose this moment because I thought that this was informing, but it also made me confused about what he says in his book in the chapter entitled "A Case for Eating Dogs", he makes it seem like eating farm animals are better than eating the dogs.
  The last moment that I thought was memorable was when he questions why we buy and eat meat at expensive rates. What do we get out of it? Why would we constantly eat something that cause us to be obese. I chose this moment because it was motivational and inspiring. After I started asking myself those questions, but then I came to the conclusion that he's right and wrong. He wrong because even if we start  eating stuff like tofu and more healthier things its even more expensive, and hard to find. Why go searching for rice cakes when there's a Jack N the Box down the street? 

2. Explain in 50-75 words how this presentation can relate to your life.
 This presentation can relate to my life because I know a lot of people who are vegetarians, and the they lecture me all the time when I order a cheeseburger from Wendy's. Even though they get on my nerves, they always leave me thinking. What do I get out of eating this burger? What are the ingredients in it? How will it make me healthier. I always come up with the same answer. I don't care, I'm hungry.