Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latin Roots #6


  1. corp(or): body
  2. cred: to believe; to trust 
  3. cur(r): to run; to flow
  4. dic(t): to speak or to say
Word List

  1. benediction: the innovation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness
  2. concourse: a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
  3. concurrent: occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together
  4. corporal: related to the physical body
  5. corpulent: very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  6. credibility: the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  7. credulity: the willingness to believe too easily without proof
  8. cursory: done in a superficial or hasty manner
  9. dictum: an authoritative saying or maxim
  10. incorporate: to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole
  11. incredulous: not believing, skeptical, or doubting
  12. indicative: characteristic of or very much like; suggestive
  1. Every Sunday, before church ends the pastor says the benediction.
  2.  A railroad is an example of a concourse.
  3. My best friend's and my boyfriend's birthday parties were concurrent.
  4. My brother was involved in a corporal punishment.
  5. My mom used to be very corpulent.
  6. That would give him a heads up on how much credibility we put on the so-called psychic tipster.
  7. But I had more credulity in those days than I have got now.
  8. After a cursory look, she moved on.
  9. His favorite dictum in politics was, "Why not leave it alone?" 
  10. Like the Arabs they held that demons became incorporate in serpents, as in Gen.
  11. He lunged out of the chair and fixed her with an incredulous stare.
  12. Small red regions are indicative of rapid plant growth.

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