Friday, May 29, 2015

LOTF Final Journal

I thought that the ending was very sad. Ralph cried at the end because he realized all the sad horrible things that happened during their time on the island. The person that I like the least is Jack because he's cruel and ruthless. I would not recommend this novel to a friend because its incredibly boring, I fell asleep throughout the whole book.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 10 LOTF Response

1. In the beginning, Ralph says that Simon's death was a murder and Piggy's referring to it as an "accident". Samneric just call it the "dancing". They were stammering between their sentences, almost like they were choosing their words carefully.

2. Ralph felt guilty and the death, he was actually referring to it as a murder, but Jack paid no mind to it he even continued to doing mean, cruel things by taking Piggy's specs.

3. Jack is a cruel, ruthless person. He ordered his savages to tie Wilfred up even though they didn't want to. He also stole Piggy's specs.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nonfiction Assignment Sheet: Politics

I. Factual Summary: Write a short summary of the piece you read.
   In the news article titled State of Union by Associated Press discusses Obama's proposal to tax rich people higher and help the middle class receive more money in the process.

II. Vocabulary
1. Which vocabulary words in the piece did you encounter some degree of difficulty?
2. How did you resolve your lack of understanding with these words?
    By looking the words up on Google.

III. Interpretation:
    What was the main point the author wanted you to get from reading his work?
     The good things that Obama is doing and his plans for the future, even though some other people have their doubts, like Joni Ernst.

IV. Criticism
1. With which points of the piece did you agree or find easy to accept? Why?
That many Americans suffer with no hope of higher pay, I agree because I've witnessed it.
2. With which points of the piece did you disagree or find difficult to believe? Why?
I didn't disagree with anything in the piece.

V. Personal Response:
What do you think about this piece?
I liked it because it was easy to understand, and I agreed with all that it said.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opinion Editorial (How Young is Too Young for an iPhone?)

 The topic that I am going to be speaking about is, "How Young is Too Young for an iPhone?". I don't think that kids or teens should have iphones. I think that because if you erase something on an iphone, like a photo or text message, you can't get it back. The only person that can get it back is the police, and I doubt that they're going to take time out of they're busy day just to do you a favor. Kids shouldn't have because I just don't think that they should have an expensive phone like that until they're older. As for teens, they shouldn't have it because we have a lot to hide on there. I'll use myself for example. Two years ago I went on a website called Omegle. For those of you who don't know what that is, its an app where you meet total strangers. You can video chat them or just message them, I had an iPhone at the time, so I started messaging strangers everyday, until I met a man. Now, don't freak out, but he was twenty-seven years-old. I know, I know, that's really old, but I wanted to be adventurous! Anyways, I started talking to this guy for at least two months or a little less. What attracted me was his kindness, and he was really cute, so I didn't want to stop talking to him. Then, my parents caught me, literally red-handed. I was upstairs in my room texting him, we were having a little bit of an argument, because he kept asking me questions about the pictures that I was sending him of "me". No, not naked pictures, but they weren't really me. They were of different girls on the internet that look somewhat the same, but then he soon started to figure it out. So, I suggested that we stop texting each other all together, because he was basically calling me a liar (which I was, but I didn't want him to know that!). Then kept saying no, and that he wanted to keep talking to me. So, I walk downstairs feeling confident, and I'm thinking inside my head, "Dang, I got this boy sprung!" Then, my mom took my phone out of my hands out of nowhere, and right at that moment he texted me! I got in trouble, and my parents tried to get back the photos and text messages that I deleted, but couldn't since I had the iPhone. Now, my point is that I was doing something very dangerous. So, lets say I deleted all my text messages and pictures, and he didn't text me at that moment. I wouldn't have gotten in trouble, right? That means that I would probably still be texting him 'til this day. Meeting guys on the internet is very dangerous. I was to the point where I would actually go and meet this guy, if my parents had not caught me in the act.