Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nonfiction Assignment Sheet: Politics

I. Factual Summary: Write a short summary of the piece you read.
   In the news article titled State of Union by Associated Press discusses Obama's proposal to tax rich people higher and help the middle class receive more money in the process.

II. Vocabulary
1. Which vocabulary words in the piece did you encounter some degree of difficulty?
2. How did you resolve your lack of understanding with these words?
    By looking the words up on Google.

III. Interpretation:
    What was the main point the author wanted you to get from reading his work?
     The good things that Obama is doing and his plans for the future, even though some other people have their doubts, like Joni Ernst.

IV. Criticism
1. With which points of the piece did you agree or find easy to accept? Why?
That many Americans suffer with no hope of higher pay, I agree because I've witnessed it.
2. With which points of the piece did you disagree or find difficult to believe? Why?
I didn't disagree with anything in the piece.

V. Personal Response:
What do you think about this piece?
I liked it because it was easy to understand, and I agreed with all that it said.


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