Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research Essay

LaTia Turner August 26, 2014 3rd Period Birth Order Research Essay I was not born as an only child, but I am living in my house without my siblings there, so I consider myself an only child. The Birth Order Research findings described the characteristics of an only child. I think that the research is accurate to its findings because, most of the research was true and I was able to relate it to my own life. The next few paragraphs will provide some examples of the birth order research and how it’s related to my life. Firstly, according to the research a person who is an only child may procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism. I agree with this because I always procrastinate my homework every day. I procrastinate because I don’t want anyone to think I’m a teacher’s pet and perfect because I’m an only child. Another example of how I procrastinate is by not doing my chores until someone tells me to. Then, I don’t have to worry about anyone thinking I’m a perfect child. The research says that only children procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism and I agree. Secondly, the research states that only children are critical of themselves and of others. I agree with this because in my English class in 9th grade we did a Socratic seminar and, we discussed a book that we were reading. A boy made a comment about the book and I disagreed with him, but I didn’t say it. I didn’t think that my opinion was worthy enough to argue with, which made me feel regret after because I felt like I should’ve said how I felt. Another example is when I went to the movies with my friends, and they wanted to see a movie that I had already saw and I didn’t want to see it again. I felt disappointed after because I felt that I should’ve stood up for myself and said how I felt. The research says only children are critical of themselves and others and I agree. Finally, the research states that only children are scholarly and objective, and I agree with this statement. I’m very smart and scholarly because I love to ready and study, and I always achieve A’s and B’s on my report card. I’m in an A.P class and in honors English so, I do consider myself scholarly. One example of why I’m objective is when I was working on a history report and it explained that Christians stole they’re beliefs from another religion. I knew that this wasn’t true because I grew up being a Christian and learning about Christians my whole life. I think that the research is accurate because I am objective and scholarly. In conclusion, the research says only children are objective and scholarly, they procrastinate to relieve the burden of perfectionism, and that they’re critical to themselves and others. The research is accurate because I can relate it to my own life.

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